Self-Assessment Toolkit
An Diagnostic Toolkit to Help States Identify Improvements in Enrollment and Retention of Children in Medicaid and CHIP
This Self Assessment Toolkit is based on the diagnostic assessment that each of the eight state grantees participated in during the initial phase of the Maximizing Enrollment program. The materials within this toolkit, developed by NASHP, is intended to guide states through an assessment of their enrollment and retention processes and procedures to identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvements. Although this diagnostic tool was developed prior to the enactment of ACA, states may find some of the materials useful in determining where to target their limited resources to further reduce enrollment barriers and increase program efficiency.
The Self Assessment Toolkit is designed specifically for states, but does allow for engagement from interested stakeholders as a way to gain additional perspective during the assessment process. It can be used to provide states with access to available information on enrollment and retention simplifications, best practices and tools to help work toward meaningful improvements that can result in enrolling more eligible, but un-enrolled individuals.
This Self Assessment Toolkit includes four modules that states can use with interested stakeholders either in combination or separately to identify issues and develop plans for improvement.
These four modules include:
- Process Mapping: This module guides states in mapping and evaluating their Medicaid and CHIP enrollment and renewal processes from beginning to end. Many state agencies have found that process mapping can serve as a useful tool in their efforts to understand how their current systems, policies, and procedures are working and identify opportunities and concerns. Click here to begin!
- Diagnostic Assessment Protocol: This module includes a detailed questionnaire that can help states better understand their current strengths and diagnose opportunities for improvement in each of six areas of activity. After completing the questionnaire, states will receive a customized report indicating areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Click here to begin!
- Stakeholder Questionnaires: This module includes sample questionnaires that states can use to engage various stakeholders on their views of current Medicaid and CHIP enrollment systems, policies, and procedures. States can download, print, and, e-mail these questionnaires; distribute them to stakeholders; and use their input in making final assessments and developing improvement plans. Click here to begin!
- Improvement Plan Meeting Kit: This module provides states with a checklist for convening a meeting of interested state agency staff members, state leaders, and stakeholder partners to review and discuss the findings from the other three parts of the toolkit. It also includes improvement and work plan templates that can help meeting participants reflect and prioritize the lessons learned about opportunities to improve enrollment and retention of eligible children in Medicaid and CHIP. Click here to begin!