Medicaid's Role in the Health Benefits Exchange: A Roadmap for States
NASHP Report: Medicaid's Role in the Health Benefits Exchange:
A Road Map for States
Deborah Bachrach , Special Counsel of Manatt Health Solutions is the lead author of this NASHP/Maximizing Enrollment report focusing on Medicaid's role in state Health Benefit Exchanges being implemented under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). "In 2014, Health Benefit Exchanges will be the entry way to coverage for 75 million Americans, most of whom will be eligible for a subsidy through Medicaid, CHIP or tax credits. As such, Exchanges present states with an extraordinary opportunity to integrate Medicaid into the continuum of coverage; to leverage its purchasing authority; and, to rationalize the oversight of public and private insurers and drive delivery system reform,” said Ms. Bachrach.
The report highlights issues states will confront as they consider how to integrate Medicaid into Exchange operations in fourareas: Eligibility and Enrollment; Health Plan Standards and Requirements; Benefit Design; and Infrastructure. “Medicaid know how and infrastructures are important building blocks fornew Exchanges that will assist uninsured people to obtain health coverage,” said Catherine Hess, NASHP Managing Director for Coverage and Access and Co-Director of Maximizing Enrollment, “This paper offers a must-read roadmap for state planning for Exchange implementation.”
Ms. Bachrach will discuss the findings on a March 31 webinar featuring commentary from Victoria Wachino, Director of Family and Children's Health Programs at CMS; Christopher Koller, Health Insurance Commissioner for the State of Rhode Island; Gregg Pane, Director for the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services; and Toby Douglas, Director of the California Department of Health Care Services. The webinar, Medicaid's Role(s) in the Health Benefit Exchange, will be held on Thursday, March 31, 3:00-4:15 pm (EDT). Register here for the webinar.
About Manatt Health Solutions
Manatt Health Solutions is a division of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP. Its interdisciplinary team provides strategic business advice, policy analysis, project implementation, and coalition-building and advocacy services to clients in the areas of health information technology, healthcare access and coverage, including development of new healthcare delivery system models. MHS professionals also provide counsel on financing, reimbursement, restructurings, and mergers and acquisitions to clients in the healthcare sector. For more information, visit